
Name: Yael
Stephanie Garfinkle
Hometown: Livingston,
Birthday: September
13, 1982
Best Present Ever: My
V-Day present from my best friend this year - it's this framed
poem-like thing with a little bottle... it's hard to explain,
but if you want, I can show it to you.
Favorite Food: The
nachos Tara and I always make after a trip to the corner store.
Hobbies: Read,
play snood, listen to music, party!
Ideal Man: Prince
If she won a million dollars
she would: Pay for school, take my grandma to Israel
(not right now though - it's a little scary), and maybe build
a library or something.
Favorite Memory: Fishing trips
with my dad. Either that, or crossing the Canadian border with
a car that had no rearview mirror, a stolen shopping cart,
a dagger, weed, 2 bowls, and wearing sunglasses at 7 pm - shadiest
spring break EVER!!!
Things She Dislikes: Intolerance,
being lonely, watching people eat lobster.
Most Embarassing Moment: When
I was in second grade, I wet my pants during school one day,
and EVERYONE knew about it. After a few years, they all forgot,
but then when I went to middle school, this kid who had moved
and switched to a different elementary school right after the
incident was in my class again, and he still remembered me
as the kid who wet her pants. He told all his friends about
it. For those of you who don't remember, or never got made
fun of, sixth grade boys can be incredibly cruel. I think I
tried to drop out of school.
Favorite Song: You Don't Own Me
(the version from the First Wive's Club, with Goldie Hawn,
Diane Keaton, and Bette Midler), b/c every time I hear it,
I feel the need to turn the volume way up and sing along.
Favorite authors/poets: Douglass
Adams, Kurt Vonnegut, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Stephen King,
Roald Dahl, Shakespeare, Robet Frost.
Secret talent: I don't know if
it's a talent, b/c I'm not really sure if I'm good at it, but
I love to read things out loud. I read to Danielle a lot, and
I even do voices for certain Harry Potter characters.
What does she envision
doing in 10 years?: Picking a major! seriously, though,
I'd love to be traveling - I can't really see myself being
settled somewhere before I'm 30.
Favorite thing about Alpha
Phi?: My sisters, of course - I love you all!